
How To View Badges On Fitbit App

Fitbit badges are a unique and fun way to showcase and record your daily progress. Badges are awarded for the daily steps you have taken, daily floors you have climbed, lifetime badges for floors climbed, distance covered in your lifetime, and so on.

But most Fitbit users don't know what is the criteria for earning these badges. So in this article, we have explained in detail what are the Fitbit badges, the list of Fitbit badges, and how you can earn them.

Furthermore, if you are unable to find your badges, we have also provided instructions to locate your badges in the Fitbit app, watch, and website. Moreover, we have also included a troubleshooting guide if you still can't find your Fitbit badges.

Use the links below to quickly navigate to the desired section:

  • What Are The Fitbit Badges And How To Earn Them?
  • What Types Of Fitbit Badges Are There?
  • Fitbit Daily Steps And Daily Climb Badges List
  • Fitbit Lifetime Distance Badges List
  • Fitbit Lifetime Climb Badges List
  • Fitbit Weight Goal Badges List
  • Where To Find My Fitbit Badges?
  • What To Do When Fitbit badges Are Not Showing?
  • FAQs

What Are The Fitbit Badges And How To Earn Them?

One of many things that Fitbit users love and adore is badges. Fitbit has gamified fitness, so the user gets rewarded when they complete some tasks. To keep things interesting some badges can be earned only once while others you can earn daily. These badges are divided into daily badges and lifetime badges. Tasks can be as simple as an evening walk to as grinding as weight loss.

What are Fitbit Badges

Badges also act as milestones for some users and help them in celebrating small victories. They provide positive reinforcement to all users. So you will find appreciating yourself often for all the little goals you are achieving while performing day-to-day mundane tasks.

Fitness doesn't just only include a gym or your daily exercise routine. And Fitbit badges are proof there is always an opportunity to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle. To keep Fitbit users motivated, badges can only be earned while performing day-to-day activities. So next time use office stairs instead of using the elevator.


What Types Of Fitbit Badges Are There?

There are two types of badges daily and lifetime badges. Daily badges are not only given once but multiple times so every day is a new beginning for you whereas lifetime badges are given once in a lifetime.

Fitbit badges are given in four different categories:

1) Fitbit Daily Steps And Daily Climb Badges

Just walking daily reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases and even helps in regulating high blood pressure and cholesterol. It is a healthy habit that should be part of our daily lifestyle and Fitbit steps badges help you do just that.

Daily steps as the name suggests are awarded based on the daily steps taken by the users. These badges can be earned again and again, so you will be rewarded for your daily hard work. Fitbit badges for daily steps start from Boat shoes which are awarded at 5,000 steps and can go up to Olympian Sandals which is awarded at 1,00,000 steps.

Boat daily step badge

Fitbit Daily Steps Badges List

  • Boat Shoes: 5000 steps in a day.
  • Sneaker: 10,000 steps in a day.
  • Urban Boots: 15,000 steps in a day.
  • High Tops: 20,000 steps in a day.
  • Classics: 25,000 steps in a day.
  • Trail Shoes: 30,000 steps in a day.
  • Hiking Boots: 35,000 steps in a day.
  • Cleats: 40,000 steps in a day.
  • Snow Boots: 45,000 steps in a day.
  • Cowboy Boots: 50,000 steps in a day.
  • Platform Shoes:55,000 steps in a day.
  • Blue Suede Shoes: 60,000 steps in a day.
  • Ruby Slippers: 65,000 steps in a day.
  • Spring Loader: 70,000 steps in a day.
  • Genie Shoes: 75,000 steps in a day.
  • Futuristic Kicks: 80,000 steps in a day.
  • Rocket Boots: 90,000 steps in a day.
  • Olympian Sandals: 1,00,000 steps in a day.

Do you know, climbing stairs can burn more fat than jogging in the same amount of time? Therefore everyone should take stairs and avoid lift as much they can. Daily Fitbit stair badges are given to motivate Fitbit users to motivate them to take stairs whenever possible. And it works!

These badges are awarded to you daily whenever you climb floors as we know a healthy lifestyle is a never-ending habit. We have listed all the Fitbit stairs badges below for you. So what's your high score?

Happy Hill Daily Floor Fitbit badges

Fitbit Daily Floors Badges List

  • Happy Hill: 10 floors in a day.
  • Redwood Forest: 25 floors in a day.
  • Lighthouse: 50 floors in a day.
  • Ferris Wheel: 75 floors in a day.
  • Skyscraper: 100 floors in a day.
  • Rollercoaster: 125 floors in a day.
  • Stadium: 150 floors in a day.
  • Bridge: 175 floors in a day.
  • Castle: 200 floors in a day.
  • Waterfall: 300 floors in a day.
  • Canyon: 400 floors in a day.
  • Volcano: 500 floors in a day.
  • Mountain: 600 floors in a day.
  • Rainbow: 700 floors in a day.

2) Fitbit Lifetime Distance Badges

It's good to look back and see how far you have come on your fitness journey. And you don't have to guess as Fitbit also gives badges based on the lifetime distance you have covered since joining Fitbit. As the saying goes, "drops of water make a mighty ocean".

You will receive your first badge Marathon when you will complete 26 miles and the last badge is called Pole to Pole that you will receive after completing 12,430 miles.

Marathon Lifetime Distance Badge

Fitbit Lifetime Distance Badges List

  • Marathon: Awarded when you have walked 26 miles.
  • March of Penguins: Awarded when you have walked 70 miles.
  • London: Awarded when you walked 250 miles.
  • Hawaiian Islands: Awarded when you walked 350 miles.
  • Serengeti: Awarded when you walked 500 miles.
  • Italy: Awarded when you walked 736 miles.
  • New Zealand: Awarded when you walked 900 miles.
  • Great Barrier Reef: Awarded when you walked 1600 miles.
  • Japan: Awarded when you walked 1,869 miles.
  • India: Awarded when you walked 1,997 miles.
  • Monarch Migration: Awarded when you walked 2,500 miles.
  • Sahara: Awarded when you walked 2,983 miles.
  • Nile: Awarded when you walked 4,132 miles.
  • Africa: Awarded when you walked 5,000 miles.
  • Great Wall: Awarded when you walked 5,500 miles.
  • Russian Railway: Awarded when you walked 5,772 miles.
  • Earth Diameter: Awarded when you walked 7,900 miles.
  • Pole to Pole: Awarded when you walked 12,430 miles.

3) Fitbit Lifetime Climb Badges

Have you ever wondered how many floors you have climbed altogether? Don't worry Fitbit Lifetime badges will help you keep track of exactly just that! The first Lifetime badge that is given to you is a Helicopter badge at 500 floors and the last one you will receive is a satellite badge at 35,000 floors.

Helicopter Lifetime Floor badge

Fitbit Lifetime Floor Badges List

  • Helicopter: Awarded when you have climbed 500 floors.
  • Skydrive: Awarded when you have climbed 1,000 floors.
  • Hot Air Balloon: Awarded when you have climbed 2,000 floors.
  • 747: Awarded when you have climbed 4,000 floors.
  • Cloud: Awarded when you have climbed 8,000 floors.
  • Spaceship: Awarded when you have climbed 14,000 floors.
  • Shooting Star: Awarded when you have climbed 20,000 floors.
  • Astronaut: Awarded when you have climbed 28,000 floors.
  • Satellite: Awarded when you have climbed 35,000 floors.

4) Fitbit Weight Goal Badges

Fitbit weight goal badges are available if you have Fitbit Aria or Fitbit Aria 2.  The first badge is received when you set your goal for weight loss and the other one when you accomplish your goal. You receive your first weight loss badge after losing 5 pounds and you can earn badges for losing up to 200 pounds. So you can plan your cheat day, only on the day you are bestowed with your next badge.

Fitbit Weight Goal Set Badge

Fitbit Weight Goal Badges List

  • Weight Goal Set: When you set a goal.
  • Weight Goal Met: When you reach your goal.
  • 5-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 5 pounds.
  • 10-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 10 pounds.
  • 15-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 15 pounds.
  • 20-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 20 pounds.
  • 25-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 25 pounds.
  • 30-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 30 pounds.
  • 35-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 35 pounds.
  • 40-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 40 pounds.
  • 45-Pound Weight loss: Earned when you lose 45 pounds.
  • 50-Pound Weight Loss: Earned when you lose 50 pounds.
  • 55-Pound Weight Loss: Earned when you lose 55 pounds.

Continued till –

  • 200-Pound Weight Loss: Earned when you lose 200 pounds.

Where To Find My Fitbit Badges?

You can see their Fitbit badges on the Fitbit app, website, and also on some Fitbit devices. We have provided instructions for each of them, follow them and you will find your badges.

View Your Badges On The Fitbit Website

1) To view your badges on the website go to

2) Then login into your Fitbit account.

3) Go to your profile to see all your earned badges.

View Your Badges In The Fitbit App

1) Go to today's tab and click on your profile picture.

2) Tap on your name and select Badges and Trophies.

3) Tap on the Badge Collection and it will show all the badges you have earned.

View Badges You Can Earn Next In Fitbit Watch

1) On the watch face screen swipe up to see Fitbit today.

2) Look for the badgeS tile. (If there is no such tile present then go to the settings section, present at the bottom of Fitbit today, and turn on the badge tile)

3) Swipe left on the tile and watch will show you daily and lifetime badges that you can get for the upcoming four days.

(Only available on certain devices)

What To Do When Fitbit badges Are Not Showing?

Some Fitbit users complain that they are not getting Fitbit badges. First and foremost it is important to note that only steps recorded from any Fitbit fitness tracker or MobileTrack are used for awarding badges. Manually tracked activities or any activity done through the third-party app is also not counted.

And if you are doing a challenge with someone, then make sure you are in the same timezone as the challenger. If you are in a different time zone than the challenge owner, you will find that challenge leaderboard stats do not match with dashboard stats.

If you meet the above mention criteria and still are not able to view your badges, then follow the below mention steps:

1) Ensure your Fitbit app is updated to the latest version available.

2) Log out of the Fitbit app.

3) Force close the app.

4) Turn off the Bluetooth.

5) Switch off your phone for 2 minutes.

6) Switch on your phone and Bluetooth.

7) Enter credentials and log back into the Fitbit app.

Recommended Read: Best Fitbit For Men


What Are The Fitbit Trophies?

Fitbit Trophies are the badges that user receives when they complete daily or lifetime tasks.

How Do I Delete A Badge On Fitbit?

No, you cannot delete your badges yourself, the only way to do that is by asking customer support to delete your badges for you. In past, Fitbit did allow users to delete their badges themselves but the option is no longer available to users.

What Is The Italy Badge On Fitbit?

Italy badge is earned by Fitbit users when they complete 736 miles since they have joined Fitbit.

What Does Floors Means On Fitbit?

Fitbit devices come with an altimeter sensor which allows your watch to monitor altitude level while climbing up and down the stairs. The device uses this sensor to determine how many floors in a building you have climbed using stairs. 10 feet gain in height is considered as one floor by your Fitbit device.

What Is The Serengeti Badge On Fitbit?

Serengeti is a geographical region in Africa that consists of hundreds of bird species and home to 70 mammal species. This badge is awarded when the user completes a total of 500 miles of lifetime distance.

How To View Badges On Fitbit App


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