
How Do Zoos Help Animals From Becoming Extinct


How Zoos and Aquariums Protect Endangered Species

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How do Zoos and Aquariums Protect Animals?

A visit to a zoo or an aquarium is an opportunity to see the beautiful and diverse wild animals our world has to offering. Zoos and aquariums around the world offer an incredible up close and personal view of nature.

More 230 height zoos and top aquariums of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) work to provide safe habitats, medical care, and a nurturing surroundings for their animals. AZA and our members piece of work to protect endangered species in numerous means, including:

  • Conducting, supporting, and funding enquiry and conservation
  • Advocating for conservation and wild animals, funding, and science
  • Working with regime agencies, universities, non-governmental organizations, and other partners to establish conservation initiatives

Bulldoze Conservation and Research

AZA-fellow member zoos and aquariums have participated in and supported more than than 2,500 conservation projects in more than 100 countries each year. AZA-accredited members accept driven millions of dollars to these efforts, spending more than than $200 million in both 2016 and 2017.


The Clan of Zoos and Aquariums Conservation Grants Fund (CGF) provides financial back up to a variety of these projects, which are working to protect animals through conservation teaching, habitat and resource conservation, research, reintroduction, breeding, saving species, and more, including:

  • Gorilla Conservation Efforts in Rwanda
  • Lemur Conservation Efforts in Madagascar
  • Agreement the Impacts of Underwater Noise on Mother-Calf Advice in Endangered Beluga Whales
  • Saving Vultures in Southern Tanzania
  • Saving Cranes in Rwanda
  • Back up Stem Programs in Schools to Train the Adjacent Generation of Conservation Ecologists


With the back up of AZA-member funding, threatened and endangered animals effectually the globe are protected from poachers, habitat destruction, and environmental dangers.

Acquire More Virtually AZA Creature CONSERVATION INITIATIVES

Advocate for Conservation and Funding

AZA has developed numerous committees to promote the best in animal care, animal welfare, conservation, and other disciplines to support wildlife. These groups work closely with members and others, including public and individual organizations to advance their missions of animal intendance, raising awareness, and engaging stakeholders. These committees include:

  • Creature Health Commission
  • Animal Population Management Commission
  • Fauna Welfare Commission
  • Aquarium Affairs Commission
  • Conservation Instruction Committee
  • Government Affairs Committee
  • Research and Technology Committee
  • Wildlife Conservation Committee

Advance Conservation Science and Research

AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums offer state-of-the-art facilities and research programs which allow expert staff to provide important data to the scientific community to protect endangered species and their habitats.


AZA Safe: Save Animals From Extinction

AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums are an essential part of species conservation. AZA SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction focuses the commonage expertise within AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums and leverages their massive audiences to save species. Condom builds on established recovery plans, prioritizes collaboration amidst AZA members, implements strategic conservation and stakeholder date activities to create measurable progress for conservation. With 19 SAFE species, AZA-fellow member facilities are working to save vulnerable animals around the world. Conservation projects inside Rubber include convenance programs, species reintroduction efforts, habitat conservation, teaching, and more than.


Piece of work with Government Agencies on Conservation

AZA and AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums frequently partner with other organizations, including government agencies, to protect endangered species and their environments. Zoos and aquariums are an essential part of the recovery plan for many endangered species listed under the Endangered Species Human activity. Without the help of keepers, veterinarians, researchers, and educators working for and with zoos and aquariums, many recovery programs would non have the tools and resource they need to forestall extinction.

The AZA also works with the U.S. Congress and Federal agencies on matters pertaining to animate being care and welfare, wildlife conservation field programs, conservation, and other scientific research, education initiatives, and more to further conservation and creature welfare. Globally, AZA participates in the Convention on the International Merchandise of Endangered Species (CITES) to protect wild animals and plants threatened by trade. It also combats illegal wildlife merchandise and trafficking and has joined forces with the Wildlife Trafficking Alliance to expand partnerships and fight wildlife trafficking globally.


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