student book cover 2What is The Lost Tools of Writing 2?

In the Lost Tools of Writing Level 1, students learned to use the three tools of writing — invention, arrangement, and elocution — to write a complete persuasive essay. In Level 2, students will focus on refining the persuasive essay by focusing on the judicial address. The judicial address is concerned with what has happened in the past and how one ought to respond to it. Students will consider the ideas of justice, evidence, laws, motivation, and bias in order to make wise judgments. Students will continue to utilize the three tools of writing, learning more advanced techniques for each tool. Students who have completed the Lost Tools of Writing Level 1 may register for this tutorial.

How long is this course?

This course lasts for two semesters (15 weeks each) and typically runs from September to May.

What is the cost?

The course costs $200 per semester. You can register for one semester at a time. Spring semester registration opens during the Christmas break.

Will students be given reading assignments in addition to their written assignments?

This course does not assign extra reading material in order to allow students to integrate their other school subjects into their writing if they so wish. Students are only asked to read To Kill A Mockingbird before classes begin because class examples will be taken from this book.

What is the course format?

This is an independent, interactive, online video course in the style of an RPG fantasy game! It is NOT self-paced nor live. Instead, a cohort of students will progress through the material as a team working at the same pace. Students will create avatars, complete quests as they work through assignments, and level up their characters to earn armor, powers, and other awards as they make progress through the course. All students receive personalized feedback and grades on their completed essays.

avatar screenshot

Can I take the course without the RPG game components?

Yes! You are very welcome to complete the course without participating in any of the game elements. Simply make a note on your registration form and your account will be set up accordingly.

How much time is required to complete weekly assignments?

Depending on the ability of the student, you can expect to spend approximately 4-5 hours per week on assignments.

Required materials: These materials are not included in the cost of the course and must be purchased separately. To purchase the required books, visit the following links:
The Lost Tools of Writing Level 2 Student Workbook,
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee (any edition)

Recommended Age: 13 years old and up

Enrollment for Fall Semester 2021

Lost Tools of Writing 2: Interactive Online Course
Cost: $200/semester
You will receive access to all course materials (videos, handouts, assignments, etc.) as well as feedback and grading services on all essays completed throughout the year. Students enrolled in this course will follow a weekly assignment schedule.

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Add on: 30-min weekly private tutoring
Cost: $300/semester
This add-on option provides more individualized attention for those who would like additional one-on-one instruction. You will meet with the instructor online for 30 minutes each week at a mutually convenient time. Only a few slots available!

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